The Essential Role of IL-17 as the Pathogenetic Link between Psoriasis and Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease

Authors: Olveira A, Augustin S, Benlloch S, Ampuero J, Suárez-Pérez JA, Armesto S, Vilarrasa E, Belinchón-Romero I, Herranz P, Crespo J, Guimerá F, Gómez-Labrador L, Martín V, Carrascosa JM.
Life (Basel). 2023 Feb 2;13(2):419. doi: 10.3390/life13020419. PubMed PMID: 36836776
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PMID: 36836776
Title: The Essential Role of IL-17 as the Pathogenetic Link between Psoriasis and Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease
Authors: Olveira A, Augustin S, Benlloch S, Ampuero J, Suárez-Pérez JA, Armesto S, Vilarrasa E, Belinchón-Romero I, Herranz P, Crespo J, Guimerá F, Gómez-Labrador L, Martín V, Carrascosa JM.
Citation: Life (Basel). 2023 Feb 2;13(2):419. doi: 10.3390/life13020419.
First Author: Olveira A
Journal/Book: Life (Basel)
Publication Year: 2023
Create Date: 2023/02/25
PMCID: PMC9963792
DOI: 10.3390/life13020419